Member Benefits

Become a member

Some of our members have belonged to the Trust for 50 years, some only joined last year. 

If you love Pukeiti and want to actively support and help grow the garden into the 2030s, 2040s and beyond, we have a bunch of passionate enthusiasts who would love to meet you!  

Annual Members-Only Plant Purchase Scheme

Since 1979, the Trust has been potting up and selling to members—at nominal cost—rhododendrons and other plants that you won’t find in any garden centre anywhere in New Zealand. In the last few years, the plant list has also included some of the rare and endangered rhododendrons being raised under the New Zealand Ex-Situ Rhododendron Conservation Project. 

Note: Plants are only available to members living in New Zealand. We are unable to ship internationally.

Join the fight to save rare and endangered plants

In 2016, we asked Massey University to survey the number of known rhododendron species in New Zealand and also, more importantly, the species we had already lost.

In 2018, we teamed up with Massey University, the New Zealand Rhododendron Association and the Taranaki Regional Council to form the New Zealand Rhododendron ex-situ Conservation Project.

Now we work with experts nationally and world-wide on global conservation projects to ensure the survival of threatened rhododendrons.

Garden Advice and Knowledge from Recognised Experts

Regular educational walks on a variety of subjects are held throughout the year, sometimes co-hosted with the TRC. If you have questions or need advice on rhododendrons, we have some very knowledgeable people who would be more than happy to help.

Volunteering in the Garden

If you are keen to get hands-on with helping maintain the garden, and to increase your plant knowledge, and sometimes your plant collection, the TRC runs a weekly volunteer group. Volunteering starts at 9:00am from the staff quarters but you are welcome to arrive anytime and although most of us stay for the morning, we all just finish when it suits us on the day.

Regular Newsletters and an annual Journal

Monthly emails keep you informed, entertained and up-to-date with Trust activities, along with two printed newsletters a year. Each December, in partnership with the New Zealand Rhododendron Association, the PRT publishes The New Zealand Rhododendron journal. We also have a Facebook page and an Instagram account.

Member Events and Plant Tours

Meet with other plant enthusiasts at regular member events at Pukeiti. Join with members to visit gardens in Taranaki, nationally and abroad.

Over the years there have been several member trips to China, building on our relationship with the Kunming Botanical Institute. In 2023, members visited the unique flora of the Chatham Islands.

3000 Books

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Members Lounge & Library

The Trust built the first Lodge in 1954, as a home for the on-site curator and his family and a meeting place for garden volunteers. A second Lodge opened in 2018, still with a Members Lounge for exclusive use by PRT Members. Tea and coffee making facilities are available, and you can bring your own sandwiches, kick back and relax in private after spending time in the garden.

The Lodge also houses the Pukeiti reference library. Over the years, the PRT has purchased many specialist plant and gardening books, and has been bequeathed a great many others. The staff at Puke Ariki recently catalogued the library for us, with the catalogue now available on line.

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The Lodge & Studio

Members can hire all or some of the Lodge for a reduced cost (conditions do apply). Members can also hire the Studio in the Lodge, which can be configured to house a couple or two friends, for half price through BookaBach (check with the Secretary). Having the garden all to yourself when you stay overnight is something quite special.

Rates for Members

Keep up to date
Latest Newsletters

Find out what the trust has been up to, any upcoming trips, events or meetups as well as some  seasonal updates for your garden. 

February 2024

Volume 71 No.1
Read more>

September 2023

Volume 70 No.1
Read more>

August 2022

Volume 69 No.3
Read more>


Why it's so important

Volunteering in the garden is a great way to engage with like minded people.
Not only are we helping ensure environmental conservation, gardening is a healthy way of being physically active and is proven to promote mental wellbeing. Come meet new friends!

Become a member
Sign up here

If you want to actively support and help grow Pukeiti into the 2030s, 2040s and beyond, we have a bunch of passionate enthusiasts who would love to meet you!  

Plant Gallery

No matter the season, there is always something to see at Pukeiti. No matter the season you are sure to enjoy the beauty of the gardens.